Thai-Yoga Massage - Nuad Bo-Rarn
This venerable and more than 2,5 millenniums old comprehensive and many-sided massage form contain passive Hatha Yoga elements, reflex zones massage, rhythmical acupressure, stretching and orientate itself by the meridians (energy lines) of the human body. Thai massage aims a harmonisation of the energy system, solves blockades and tensions in the energy river, circulation will be increased and it is preventive, aimed so on health precaution. It's very good to relieve ailments such as headache, back pain, shoulder/neck pain caused by various conditions of physical and mental stress.
Done on the floor, you wear your own comfortable clothes like T shirt and sweat pants. The Thai massage encloses the whole body with and encloses beginning from foot to head four positions: Back position, side position, belly position and seated position. The stretch exercises raise the flexibility and immune tensions in the body. Barriers of physical and mental kind are diminished by the meditative partially also gentle and rhythmical massage combinations of the northern Thai massage form Nuad Bo-Rarn and the vitality will be increased.
The selective acupressure and massage in ten most important energy roads, the Sen Sib, should stimulate the immune system as well as improve cervical stiffness's, headaches as well as other spanning problems and contributes to an increased well-being.